Saturday, January 30, 2010

First time go easy on me

Ok so here we go....Well I guess I should start out talking about my life in general. Hmm well I'm a 20 year old Navy wife, college drop out lady kid. My husband is called Barrett but I like to refer to him as "Bear". We were married September 18,2009 in Edmond Oklahoma at a small elegant chapel. It was the best wedding ever...if you missed it I feel bad for you. The next month Bear started the process of joining the US Navy. We were (and still are) very excited because it's God's will for us. Our prayer is to always be in our Holy Fathers will and so far I feel we've done a really good job. Bear is my best friend, lover, sugar daddy and all around just dang good guy. I adore him. I should inform you as you read this that I have reached the point in my life that I really don't care what everyone thinks....because in the end, Do these people really matter? I think not.
I have two amazing sisters who are always there for me and make me very warm and fuzzy on the inside. I have a Mom and Dad who are madly in love and have been for freakin 27 years....awesome. I have a mother in law and father in law who are good people and love to take me by surprise sometimes...
Whats my occupation you say? I'm a nanny for three of the most awesome kids on earth! Draden 7 Caleb 5 Julia 4. All of them a magical ball of awesome crazyness. Their parents are Russell and Cissa. They have been an awesome influence of my life and marrige. They were given to me by Mindi Hamell who is one of the best friends and Mentors I have ever had in my life. She and her husband are so much fun and just a wonderful thing for Bear and I to have. God is good for all these wonderful gift!
Hobbies you ask? I volunteer for the youth group at in Edmond. I take care of a few sixth grade girls who seem to like to keep me on my toes. So random and lovely they are!
Ok So I think thats basically everything....