Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Crazy dreams, early mornings, and running on a treadmill....ugh

Its about eh 7:00 in the morning and I'm awake because of weird dreams and its hard to sleep without Bear(which will make boot camp an interesting time for all of us). In the past month I've had dreams such as....I have a baby girl and she and I are at my Mimi's (grandmother who passed away) house and I'm so extremely happy. Sometimes people are there and sometimes people aren't. All know is that waking up is difficult. Another is the dream that my family all thinks I'm fat and are talking to each other about it. Like they're all out to get me...hm. I've had miscellaneous scary dreams that I can't really think of but all I know is I woke up scared out of my pants! I've been trying to get back to high school Shelby shape but its not going so well. So this is were the treadmill comes in. Although I usually get sick running in the winter I keep on keeping on. Sooooo sleepy...geez

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