Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Staring my future straight in the face...and grinning

Barrett is leaving for boot camp in 3 weeks. Three....123. He will be gone for TWO months. Count em...1,2. I will be here for three months roughly without him. We've been married for five months tomorrow. Lots of numbers that all add up to "Shelby pitiful time" This time is a sad sad time. After he graduates from boot (in two months) I will pick up and move to Florida. I came from a small town. I'm moving to a BIG town. Oh the scaryness of it all. But you know what? I am completely full of amazing peace. Barrett and I are in Gods will for our life and I am reassured by that because of the blessings we receive daily. I have so many people saying Well I just couldn't do it or it wouldn't be the life we would choose....WELL DUH! If God had this plan for you it would be what you wanted to do or what God would be pressing on your heart to do. Barrett and I will never be "Normal" ever! I don't want to boring. I will never ever conform to what the world wants of me. I am terrified to be pulled out of my little box but God has called us to be box breakers. I'm excited for my newest adventure!! WOO!

1 comment:

  1. Cissa & I read this together and just smiled, knowing you, knowing your heart, at this post. You are so precious Shelby. I love you!
